Machine Learning.
In one line of code.

MLBlocks helps your business integrate Machine Learning pipelines into your applications with a single line of code. No fuss. No sweat.
Sign up for our beta!

What we do

Machine Learning Engineers and Data Scientists are expensive. Learning the frameworks and the math behind Machine Learning is extremely daunting. Finally, finding the perfect model for your business is tricky.

Leave the nitty-gritty details behind. Focus on the things that matter more!

Say goodbye to long, confusing model docs! Integrate Machine Learning solutions into your software with a single line of code!

Off-the-shelf hardware-optimised models at your disposal with the perfect architectures for your software - be it on the web or on mobile!

Find a variety of models across multiple domains! See which ones suit your business needs and implement them with ease!


With a single line of code, you now have the ability to supercharge your applications with industry-grade Machine Learning pipelines. Find domain-specific models and integrate them into your current stack with ease!

# !pip install requests
import requests

# Testing instances
text = 'One of the greatest and most underrated composers of all time, Ennio Morricone will be best remembered for his late 60's/early 70's work on Spaggetti Westerns'

# Instantiate model
url = ''
options = {
api_reference: 'API_ACCESS_TOKEN',
data: text

# Get predictions response from trained model
predictions = request.get(url, data=options)

JSON Output:

sentiment_score: 0.89,
metadata: {
string: 'One of the greatest and most underrated composers of all time, Ennio Morricone will be best remembered for his late 60's/early 70's work on Spaggetti Westerns',
language: 'en',
num_words: 23,